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I have written two books of scary poems available for purchase. The first is Shadows & Echoes, and the second is Beneath a Moonlit Sky (aimed at younger readers). Both can be purchased on Amazon here

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I am working a third book, this one a creative undertaking blurring the lines between fiction, and non-fiction, written around detailed and complex ethical dilemmas, titled The Tightrope of Decision. Pre-order on Amazon here.

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In all my creative endeavors, writing has been the most challenging as it requires generating ideas and completing the work solo. A pursuit I have undertaken for all of my adult life. Like many writers, I grapple with fluctuating confidence, swinging between moments of strong belief in my skills after determined effort, and feelings of inadequacy when I spot every possible flaw in my work.

In one sense I'm laying a bit of my soul bare here. Writing is in many ways who I am, the best I can do. 


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I have several articles on Medium to read, if you'd like to follow the link below

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You want to be a writer too? Check out this video explaining the best tips I know in just 1 minute. 

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