I sometimes get asked about my background in mountaineering from an earlier time in my life, so I decided to create this page dedicated to my past endeavors in this realm. I met and befriended great people during those years, and am proud of what we accomplished, and how it shaped me as a man.
The majority of my climbing was done in days before technology changed the sport the way it has today, and guiding paying clients up famous peaks (often wealthy people) became a business enterprise. I spent most of my time climbing in the Cascades, but also the Sierra Nevada mountains, and elsewhere in the western United States. While I did learn from classes and experts, the vast majority of my climbing was not guided, instead working in small teams, often with myself as the team leader. I frequently sought out routes on peaks that were not often climbed, or in off season (including winter) and thus with no footprints to follow. I eventually ventured out past the United States to remote areas in Canada, South America, China, and Central Asia.
The only climbing I do these days in a rock climbing gym to keep fit, though I haven't completely ruled out the possibility of one day returning to the high mountains. When asked why I am no longer into climbing, I tend to default to an old idiom:
There are old mountaineers, and bold mountaineers, but there aren't very many old, bold mountaineers.
Below find a video of a first ascent I completed with a close group of friends in the St. Elias range along the Canadian/Alaskan border. Below that find a gallery of photos taken from days gone by.